January 22, 2008

Dear friends

Hello dear ones...

I just want to thank all of you who have told me you are reading. It has been hard at times to come to the page, thinking that what I'm trying to do here (i.e. keep people in the loop of what's going on with our family) is not really worth it. Sometimes I doubt that you are there, that you want to know about our lives.

Sometimes I act like an orphan. And the truth is, I'm not. My identity is forever secure in Christ and by Christ--I'm a daughter.

But, it's still nice to know that I have fellowship in you, oh dear readers.

So, an update:

Because of the generous gifts of several seminary friends, unexpected gifts from friends and family in Asheville, regular support from our supporters, and a holiday "scholarship" of sorts from an organization supportive to seminarians, we were able not only to make it through a month without employment while the seminary and all it's functions were shut down, but also to travel home to N.C. for the holidays. It was probably the last time we will visit my parents in their home in Concord, as they are moving into a time of sabbatical and preparation for a new ministry venture....and it was the first time we came back to Asheville since sprinting away the 1st of August, and perspective that has been lost over the past 4 hectic years is finally creeping back.

We have been faithless in so many ways. Though hurt in the past by situations in the church, our response has not been true to our calling as followers of Christ to love and forgive. I have been guilty of much retreating and licking of wounds, and feeling that life is unfair. But the truth is, we are called to a life that must include suffering, trials, struggles in order for us to be progressively made more and more like Him. There is always joy, there are times of peace and times where I have no "wants"--but I must learn to find rest and quiet and peace and yes, even joy, in the times of suffering....

Anyway, all these musings relate to a reflection over the time we were in Asheville. They are a direct result of coming back into close communication with friends in Colorado who have reflected to us how we were then. The Lord has a great deal to do in us---but unbelievably at times, He also wants to do His work with us, through us. Please pray for us, as often we are stunned to (near) silence by the thought. Please pray for us, because we are desperate for Christ, to know that His presence is real and unwavering in our lives. Please pray for us, that we might grow in our love for Him and for one another (in our marriage, our parenting, our friends, our church, our community...His world).

P.S. It has come to my attention that it is very "easy" to set up a web page (I've been out of touch with technology for far too long). It is a high possibility that I will, therefore, change over to that "format" for facilities sake in the next month or so. Please drop me an email or a note on facebook to let me know if you are interested in that (pictures are easier to include there too!).

Much love.