July 08, 2010


I title my post today "eschatology" (or the study of end times) in because I am currently attempting to plow through the course "Spirit, Church, and Last Things", as you might be able to tell from my "current reads" list in the right-hand margin. However, there are other reasons. We have had jarring changes to our plans. My last post was the text version of our update letter from March. In it we detailed our decision for me to begin a degree and for Chip to pursue a second degree in Counseling. Things have needed to come under review, however. After realizing all that would have needed to fit edgewise into our lives over the next two years, after reviewing our fatigue and finances, it has dawned on us that we can't do it. And we are reeling from it.

At least I am.

"Is this the end?" I wonder? One more year to go already? I am seeing my heart in a mirror and I see so much more that needs work - so much brokenness that needs fixing, wounds that need healing. Please pray for us as we shift gears and seek the Lord's will. Please pray as we listen for His voice. Please pray for us.

1 comment:

Camille said...

You bet, definitely praying for your family, guidance and wisdom!