September 17, 2007

Long absence...

Wow, how long has it been now? I promise I have a good excuse, or rather excuses, for this long spell of silence on my part. And I need to communicate them all to you guys, because they are prayer requests in and of themselves, so please see them as such, and not as complaints. We are learning through all these things about God's grace and His design for us, but we need your prayer that we would run to Him in them, and not try to figure it all out in our own strength.

Our family has had a few setbacks (some major, some minor, some seeming more major than they really are) in the last couple of weeks. Somehow, jobs have continued to elude us, making everything a strain financially. About a week ago, I got debilitatingly sick with hayfever and what I believe to be a sinus infection (from the complications of allergies). Thankfully, I have still been able to work my few shifts at the Log Cabin (the childcare center on campus--I can bring the girls with me, allowing Chip to study and go to class and work himself), but I have not been up to much else. I am dragging around during the day, and the cool breeze that has been such a respite to us has also been the bearer of molds and fall pollens. Macky and Murmurn have also succumbed to aspects of this weird sickness---Macky has the deep, chesty cough that I am struggling with, and Murmur the drippy nose and itchy eyes and ears. On top of this, she is teething AGAIN and was up screaming her little lungs out the last 3 nights. Macky, too, was up in the middle of the night unable to breath, and Chip brought her to bed with us to try to keep Murmur asleep while she was asleep. This resulted in another interruption to our sleep as Macky kicked and tossed and coughed the entire 2 hours she remained with us. Chip finally had to just put her back in her own bed and risk having both children awake at once....which happened eventually around 5:30, I think. I was too deliriously tired to know exactly what happened. Chip, thankfully, has avoided the sick/allergy combo at this point. Praise the Lord for that grace!

Other than that, I have been waiting to have a background check and fingerprinting done so that I could begin pursuing tutoring jobs in the schools (both public and private) in the area. That was to have happened today, but about a 1/2 hour ago, I received a call postponing it once more until Friday. We have been scrambling to pick up any other shifts around Log Cabin (Chip has been picking up extra hours there too) to build up our paychecks that we will be receiving at the end of October (!!!). Meanwhile, wouldn't you expect, with the addition of Chip's last class (and the one I am auditing with him), his workload for graduate studies (I have to remind myself that this is graduate school, what did I expect?) has increased exponentially. He stays up until midnight most nights just to get the assignments done, much less review that which he must review for Greek in order to keep up with the language. Wow, this is a crazy time!!!

In all of this, however, we have seen his grace and mercy to our family. We are stressed a bit, but Chip is loving his classes, and his professors are truly pastors--they love their students and encourage them constantly. Dr. Jimmy Agan, who most know as "Jimmy", has even said "For some men, making an A in my class [Greek] would be a sin."

Please pray for us that we can have discernment in our choices, not run down rabbit trails with jobs the Lord doesn't have for us, not waste energy pursuing things (studies, jobs, etc....) that need to be set aside in order to love our girls and one another well....

I will post again soon, but for now, I hope everyone is well and I pray that we might stay connected and be objects of His grace to one another for our encouragement.

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