August 29, 2007

Bread and bread

I have another bread recipe to give, and another thought about "daily bread". It is a bit garbled, however, at the moment, we'll see how it comes out (the joy of being an external processor is that you are often suprised by what you find on the page after you've written it, but you are also often foiled if you are interrupted and lose your train of thought, which threatens to happen this morning with Miss Macky and her need for at least half of my brain---and justifiably so).

Well, we have been looking and looking at jobs, and the Lord has been very clearly closing doors, and opening others. We still don't have things concretely laid down yet. Praise the Lord that He has also shown us very clearly that He is the provider of our daily needs, bread and "bread" (food and money). We have not run out our emergency fund yet, and some strong possiblities of jobs (which will start in about 2 weeks time) have come on the horizon: tutoring for me, and caddying (possibly) for Chip.

The tutoring jobs I've found look like they could give us a good income, as long as we don't have any transportation conflict or schedule conflict with Chip and the girls. I am hopeful. Chip, who as most of you know loves golf, has found a connection to one of the best courses in town, and the man who runs the caddying program supposedly loves to hire seminary students. There are other awesome details like them getting paid regardless of if they are able to work a round, and being able to study while waiting. In the meantime, we are keeping simple house. We already ate a ton of vegetarian, so that's no problem.

And we are coming up with some very creative (and definitely still flavorful) recipes. Are you surprised that they are mostly related to bread? I won't offend your intelligence by listing the recipes for french toast, croutons, and other "normal" type things, unless any of you are unfamiliar or need a new way of doing those staples. But this one was fairly new to me, and I gave it our own twist:

Panzanella (Bread Salad):

In a large bowl, combine:

1lb ripe tomatoes (we used grape tomatoes, but you can use anything) diced large, or cut into 1/2" pieces
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
1 or more cloves garlic, minced
4 tblspns olive oil
1 cup cannellini (white kidney) beans
Salt and pepper to taste


1 1/2 cups (or one medium sized loaf ) dry bread (2-3 days old is best) [We used an Italian style cheese loaf which complemented the salad perfectly] that has been prepared by cutting into 1/2" chunks and soaked in water for 15 minutes and squeezed dry.

Toss all ingredients together and serve at room temperature.
Can add mozzerella (cubed) to the mix, but I didn't find it necessary since we used cheese bread---so flavorful!

We ate this recipe after having played outside in the heat for about 2 hours, and we were really glad to not have to cook anything once inside. Try it and see what you think!

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