August 26, 2007

Whoa, what just happened?

Well, we have our computer back...ahem, I should say Chip's computer, sorry....good to be back online again at the old appartment, but my goodness, things seem to be flying fast by us right now as all the other students have arrived and orientation has begun.

We dressed up for the President's Reception on Friday night, which was great because we had found a suit jacket, slacks, and a blazer for Chip to choose from at the Free Store (put that on the list of very cool stuff with Free Bread Mondays and Fridays). He looked dashing, and I figured out something, though it can be rather difficult for a gal to figure out how dressy "semi-formal" is supposed to be. I did fine, was about middle of the pack in terms of formality, so no worries there.

I like the looks of the faculty (who were all introduced)....there were many more students than I realized starting along with us this fall: something like 166. Not bad for Covenant

But it is all extremely overwhelming, and as we are still only 3 1/2 weeks into our stint here, I am not feeling up to speed. We don't have jobs sorted out, and since the routine hasn't begun, we just kinda float through the days and don't know what to do with ourselves. After we've run out of the phone calls we have to make (in order to get one more step into the process with jobs and interviews etc...) we just try to have some semblance of routine with the girls, and wear Macky out enough that she'll sleep at night, dear athletic girl...

Anyway, the other purpose for this little entry (which otherwise seems to have no real purpose, sorry for that) is to announce that my sister leaves for Europe tomorrow (man do I miss her), and will be starting a blog to record what she can while she travels. If you get bored of my recipes and endless blather on transitioning to student life once more, you can visit her through my links....she will be the link called "i miss her".

Tomorrow I cook for a family on campus that just had a new baby....I'll post the recipe then.

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